Launching Off with Educents!

Ladies and Gentlemen. Now is the moment you've all been waiting for.
Hold your breath.
Ok, not that much. Blue is not your color.

I am more than pleased to announce the GRAND OPENING of the Educents Marketplace! Educents already offers amazing daily deals for educational goods on their website, but now over 500 sellers have set up shop to sell great educational materials at great prices every day. I've joined their team with a growing arsenal of clip art which is great for embellishing things from lesson plans to bulletin boards to bookmarks.

To celebrate, on top of my growing collection of FREE Calendar Icon sets, I am offering "Chocolate Bunnies" at an exclusive Educents only price of... FREE!

So many fantastic shops are sharing their own FREEBIES. You really NEED to check them out! Start browsing by visiting the shops listed below. But first, how about that winning that $50 credit to Educents?! Fill out the form below to enter.

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Follow along to Danielle over at The Learning Center for more FREEBIES.

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